16FT Cargo Trailers

16FT Cargo TrailersLooking for 16FT cargo trailers that won’t break the bank? At Bama Cargo, we sell the best enclosed trailers at a lower price than most! Ours come in 7′ and 8.5′ wide.

Get a high quality 16 FT enclosed trailer at a great price!
Call for a price quote: AL: (205) 578-0088

Whether you want a plain and simple white one or a two toned, customized enclosed trailer, ours are going to last a long time and look great doing it.

16FT Cargo Trailers For Sale

When you’re searching for the best deals on 16FT cargo trailers for sale in Alabama, you have to look at more than just a low price. You need to pay careful attention to the materials used and construction of the enclosed trailer.

Too many cargo trailer dealers are selling cheap, flimsy trailers that are just thrown together. They may look great on a lot, but a closer look will reveal the ugliness. Thin plywood floors that bow and flex or cheap angled metal framing are designed to fail over time. Compare our and theirs, including price and you’ll be glad you did.

We sell high quality 16FT cargo trailers all throughout Alabama.

Business Hours

Mon – Fri:    8am to 6pm
Saturday:   10am to 2pm
Sunday:                 Closed

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